LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - gcrypt-int.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 12 0.0 %
Date: 2016-09-12 12:56:58 Functions: 0 6 0.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* gcrypt-int.h - Internal version of gcrypt.h
       2             :  * Copyright (C) 2013 g10 Code GmbH
       3             :  *
       4             :  * This file is part of Libgcrypt.
       5             :  *
       6             :  * Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       7             :  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
       8             :  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
       9             :  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      10             :  *
      11             :  * Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      12             :  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      14             :  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
      15             :  *
      16             :  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      17             :  * License along with this program; if not, see <>.
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #ifndef GCRY_GCRYPT_INT_H
      21             : #define GCRY_GCRYPT_INT_H
      22             : 
      23             : #ifdef _GCRYPT_H
      24             : #error  gcrypt.h already included
      25             : #endif
      26             : 
      27             : #include "gcrypt.h"
      28             : #include "types.h"
      29             : 
      30             : /* These error codes are used but not defined in the required
      31             :    libgpg-error 1.11.  Define them here. */
      32             : #if GPG_ERROR_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x010c00  /* 1.12 */
      33             : # define GPG_ERR_NO_CRYPT_CTX       191
      34             : # define GPG_ERR_WRONG_CRYPT_CTX    192
      35             : # define GPG_ERR_BAD_CRYPT_CTX      193
      36             : # define GPG_ERR_CRYPT_CTX_CONFLICT 194
      37             : # define GPG_ERR_BROKEN_PUBKEY      195
      38             : # define GPG_ERR_BROKEN_SECKEY      196
      39             : #endif
      40             : 
      41             : #if GPG_ERROR_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x010d00  /* 1.13 */
      42             : # define GPG_ERR_MAC_ALGO           197
      43             : #endif
      44             : 
      45             : 
      46             : /* Context used with elliptic curve functions.  */
      47             : struct mpi_ec_ctx_s;
      48             : typedef struct mpi_ec_ctx_s *mpi_ec_t;
      49             : 
      50             : 
      51             : 
      52             : /* Underscore prefixed internal versions of the public functions.
      53             :    They return gpg_err_code and not gpg_error_t.  Some macros also
      54             :    need an underscore prefixed internal version.
      55             : 
      56             :    Note that the memory allocation functions and macros (xmalloc etc.)
      57             :    are not defined here but in g10lib.h because this file here is
      58             :    included by some test programs which define theie own xmalloc
      59             :    macros.  */
      60             : 
      61             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_open (gcry_cipher_hd_t *handle,
      62             :                                   int algo, int mode, unsigned int flags);
      63             : void _gcry_cipher_close (gcry_cipher_hd_t h);
      64             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_ctl (gcry_cipher_hd_t h, int cmd, void *buffer,
      65             :                              size_t buflen);
      66             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_info (gcry_cipher_hd_t h, int what, void *buffer,
      67             :                                   size_t *nbytes);
      68             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_algo_info (int algo, int what, void *buffer,
      69             :                                        size_t *nbytes);
      70             : const char *_gcry_cipher_algo_name (int algorithm) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
      71             : int _gcry_cipher_map_name (const char *name) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
      72             : int _gcry_cipher_mode_from_oid (const char *string) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
      73             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_encrypt (gcry_cipher_hd_t h,
      74             :                                      void *out, size_t outsize,
      75             :                                      const void *in, size_t inlen);
      76             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_decrypt (gcry_cipher_hd_t h,
      77             :                                      void *out, size_t outsize,
      78             :                                      const void *in, size_t inlen);
      79             : gcry_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_setkey (gcry_cipher_hd_t hd,
      80             :                                      const void *key, size_t keylen);
      81             : gcry_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_setiv (gcry_cipher_hd_t hd,
      82             :                                     const void *iv, size_t ivlen);
      83             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_authenticate (gcry_cipher_hd_t hd, const void *abuf,
      84             :                                           size_t abuflen);
      85             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_gettag (gcry_cipher_hd_t hd, void *outtag,
      86             :                                     size_t taglen);
      87             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_checktag (gcry_cipher_hd_t hd, const void *intag,
      88             :                                       size_t taglen);
      89             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_setctr (gcry_cipher_hd_t hd,
      90             :                                     const void *ctr, size_t ctrlen);
      91             : size_t _gcry_cipher_get_algo_keylen (int algo);
      92             : size_t _gcry_cipher_get_algo_blklen (int algo);
      93             : 
      94             : #define _gcry_cipher_reset(h)  _gcry_cipher_ctl ((h), GCRYCTL_RESET, NULL, 0)
      95             : 
      96             : 
      97             : 
      98             : 
      99             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pk_encrypt (gcry_sexp_t *result,
     100             :                                  gcry_sexp_t data, gcry_sexp_t pkey);
     101             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pk_decrypt (gcry_sexp_t *result,
     102             :                                  gcry_sexp_t data, gcry_sexp_t skey);
     103             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pk_sign (gcry_sexp_t *result,
     104             :                               gcry_sexp_t data, gcry_sexp_t skey);
     105             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pk_verify (gcry_sexp_t sigval,
     106             :                                 gcry_sexp_t data, gcry_sexp_t pkey);
     107             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pk_testkey (gcry_sexp_t key);
     108             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pk_genkey (gcry_sexp_t *r_key, gcry_sexp_t s_parms);
     109             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pk_ctl (int cmd, void *buffer, size_t buflen);
     110             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pk_algo_info (int algo, int what,
     111             :                                    void *buffer, size_t *nbytes);
     112             : const char *_gcry_pk_algo_name (int algorithm) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
     113             : int _gcry_pk_map_name (const char* name) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
     114             : unsigned int _gcry_pk_get_nbits (gcry_sexp_t key) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
     115             : unsigned char *_gcry_pk_get_keygrip (gcry_sexp_t key, unsigned char *array);
     116             : const char *_gcry_pk_get_curve (gcry_sexp_t key, int iterator,
     117             :                                 unsigned int *r_nbits);
     118             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_pk_get_param (int algo, const char *name);
     119             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_pubkey_get_sexp (gcry_sexp_t *r_sexp,
     120             :                                       int mode, gcry_ctx_t ctx);
     121             : 
     122             : 
     123             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_md_open (gcry_md_hd_t *h, int algo, unsigned int flags);
     124             : void _gcry_md_close (gcry_md_hd_t hd);
     125             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_md_enable (gcry_md_hd_t hd, int algo);
     126             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_md_copy (gcry_md_hd_t *bhd, gcry_md_hd_t ahd);
     127             : void _gcry_md_reset (gcry_md_hd_t hd);
     128             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_md_ctl (gcry_md_hd_t hd, int cmd,
     129             :                           void *buffer, size_t buflen);
     130             : void _gcry_md_write (gcry_md_hd_t hd, const void *buffer, size_t length);
     131             : unsigned char *_gcry_md_read (gcry_md_hd_t hd, int algo);
     132             : gpg_error_t _gcry_md_extract (gcry_md_hd_t hd, int algo, void *buffer,
     133             :                               size_t length);
     134             : void _gcry_md_hash_buffer (int algo, void *digest,
     135             :                            const void *buffer, size_t length);
     136             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_md_hash_buffers (int algo, unsigned int flags,
     137             :                                       void *digest,
     138             :                                       const gcry_buffer_t *iov, int iovcnt);
     139             : int _gcry_md_get_algo (gcry_md_hd_t hd);
     140             : unsigned int _gcry_md_get_algo_dlen (int algo);
     141             : int _gcry_md_is_enabled (gcry_md_hd_t a, int algo);
     142             : int _gcry_md_is_secure (gcry_md_hd_t a);
     143             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_md_info (gcry_md_hd_t h, int what, void *buffer,
     144             :                           size_t *nbytes);
     145             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_md_algo_info (int algo, int what, void *buffer,
     146             :                                 size_t *nbytes);
     147             : const char *_gcry_md_algo_name (int algo) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
     148             : int _gcry_md_map_name (const char* name) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
     149             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_md_setkey (gcry_md_hd_t hd,
     150             :                                 const void *key, size_t keylen);
     151             : void _gcry_md_debug (gcry_md_hd_t hd, const char *suffix);
     152             : 
     153             : #define _gcry_md_test_algo(a) \
     154             :             _gcry_md_algo_info ((a), GCRYCTL_TEST_ALGO, NULL, NULL)
     155             : 
     156             : #define _gcry_md_final(a) \
     157             :             _gcry_md_ctl ((a), GCRYCTL_FINALIZE, NULL, 0)
     158             : 
     159             : #define _gcry_md_putc(h,c)  \
     160             :             do {                                          \
     161             :                 gcry_md_hd_t h__ = (h);                   \
     162             :                 if( (h__)->bufpos == (h__)->bufsize )     \
     163             :                     _gcry_md_write( (h__), NULL, 0 );     \
     164             :                 (h__)->buf[(h__)->bufpos++] = (c) & 0xff; \
     165             :             } while(0)
     166             : 
     167             : 
     168             : 
     169             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mac_open (gcry_mac_hd_t *handle, int algo,
     170             :                             unsigned int flags, gcry_ctx_t ctx);
     171             : void _gcry_mac_close (gcry_mac_hd_t h);
     172             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mac_ctl (gcry_mac_hd_t h, int cmd, void *buffer,
     173             :                            size_t buflen);
     174             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mac_algo_info (int algo, int what, void *buffer,
     175             :                                  size_t *nbytes);
     176             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mac_setkey (gcry_mac_hd_t hd, const void *key,
     177             :                               size_t keylen);
     178             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mac_setiv (gcry_mac_hd_t hd, const void *iv,
     179             :                              size_t ivlen);
     180             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mac_write (gcry_mac_hd_t hd, const void *buffer,
     181             :                              size_t length);
     182             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mac_read (gcry_mac_hd_t hd, void *buffer, size_t *buflen);
     183             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mac_verify (gcry_mac_hd_t hd, const void *buffer,
     184             :                                  size_t buflen);
     185             : int _gcry_mac_get_algo (gcry_mac_hd_t hd);
     186             : unsigned int _gcry_mac_get_algo_maclen (int algo);
     187             : unsigned int _gcry_mac_get_algo_keylen (int algo);
     188             : const char *_gcry_mac_algo_name (int algorithm) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
     189             : int _gcry_mac_map_name (const char *name) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_PURE;
     190             : 
     191             : #define _gcry_mac_reset(h)  _gcry_mac_ctl ((h), GCRYCTL_RESET, NULL, 0)
     192             : 
     193             : 
     194             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_kdf_derive (const void *passphrase, size_t passphraselen,
     195             :                                  int algo, int subalgo,
     196             :                                  const void *salt, size_t saltlen,
     197             :                                  unsigned long iterations,
     198             :                                  size_t keysize, void *keybuffer);
     199             : 
     200             : 
     201             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_prime_generate (gcry_mpi_t *prime,
     202             :                                      unsigned int prime_bits,
     203             :                                      unsigned int factor_bits,
     204             :                                      gcry_mpi_t **factors,
     205             :                                      gcry_prime_check_func_t cb_func,
     206             :                                      void *cb_arg,
     207             :                                      gcry_random_level_t random_level,
     208             :                                      unsigned int flags);
     209             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_prime_group_generator (gcry_mpi_t *r_g,
     210             :                                             gcry_mpi_t prime,
     211             :                                             gcry_mpi_t *factors,
     212             :                                             gcry_mpi_t start_g);
     213             : void _gcry_prime_release_factors (gcry_mpi_t *factors);
     214             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_prime_check (gcry_mpi_t x, unsigned int flags);
     215             : 
     216             : 
     217             : void _gcry_randomize (void *buffer, size_t length,
     218             :                       enum gcry_random_level level);
     219             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_random_add_bytes (const void *buffer, size_t length,
     220             :                                     int quality);
     221             : void *_gcry_random_bytes (size_t nbytes, enum gcry_random_level level)
     222             :                          _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_MALLOC;
     223             : void *_gcry_random_bytes_secure (size_t nbytes, enum gcry_random_level level)
     224             :                                 _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_MALLOC;
     225             : void _gcry_mpi_randomize (gcry_mpi_t w,
     226             :                          unsigned int nbits, enum gcry_random_level level);
     227             : void _gcry_create_nonce (void *buffer, size_t length);
     228             : 
     229             : 
     230             : void _gcry_ctx_release (gcry_ctx_t ctx);
     231             : 
     232             : 
     233             : const char *_gcry_check_version (const char *req_version);
     234             : 
     235             : void _gcry_set_allocation_handler (gcry_handler_alloc_t func_alloc,
     236             :                                   gcry_handler_alloc_t func_alloc_secure,
     237             :                                   gcry_handler_secure_check_t func_secure_check,
     238             :                                   gcry_handler_realloc_t func_realloc,
     239             :                                   gcry_handler_free_t func_free);
     240             : void _gcry_set_outofcore_handler (gcry_handler_no_mem_t h, void *opaque);
     241             : void _gcry_set_fatalerror_handler (gcry_handler_error_t fnc, void *opaque);
     242             : void _gcry_set_log_handler (gcry_handler_log_t f, void *opaque);
     243             : void _gcry_set_gettext_handler (const char *(*f)(const char*));
     244             : void _gcry_set_progress_handler (gcry_handler_progress_t cb, void *cb_data);
     245             : 
     246             : 
     247             : /* Return a pointer to a string containing a description of the error
     248             :    code in the error value ERR.  */
     249             : static inline const char *
     250           0 : _gcry_strerror (gcry_error_t err)
     251             : {
     252           0 :   return gpg_strerror (err);
     253             : }
     254             : 
     255             : /* Return a pointer to a string containing a description of the error
     256             :    source in the error value ERR.  */
     257             : static inline const char *
     258           0 : _gcry_strsource (gcry_error_t err)
     259             : {
     260           0 :   return gpg_strsource (err);
     261             : }
     262             : 
     263             : /* Retrieve the error code for the system error ERR.  This returns
     264             :    GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_ERRNO if the system error is not mapped (report
     265             :    this).  */
     266             : static inline gcry_err_code_t
     267           0 : _gcry_err_code_from_errno (int err)
     268             : {
     269           0 :   return gpg_err_code_from_errno (err);
     270             : }
     271             : 
     272             : /* Retrieve the system error for the error code CODE.  This returns 0
     273             :    if CODE is not a system error code.  */
     274             : static inline int
     275           0 : _gcry_err_code_to_errno (gcry_err_code_t code)
     276             : {
     277           0 :   return gpg_err_code_from_errno (code);
     278             : }
     279             : 
     280             : /* Return an error value with the error source SOURCE and the system
     281             :    error ERR.  */
     282             : static inline gcry_error_t
     283           0 : _gcry_err_make_from_errno (gpg_err_source_t source, int err)
     284             : {
     285           0 :   return gpg_err_make_from_errno (source, err);
     286             : }
     287             : 
     288             : 
     289             : /* Return an error value with the system error ERR.  */
     290             : static inline gcry_error_t
     291           0 : _gcry_error_from_errno (int err)
     292             : {
     293           0 :   return gpg_error (gpg_err_code_from_errno (err));
     294             : }
     295             : 
     296             : 
     297             : 
     298             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_sexp_new (gcry_sexp_t *retsexp,
     299             :                                const void *buffer, size_t length,
     300             :                                int autodetect);
     301             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_sexp_create (gcry_sexp_t *retsexp,
     302             :                                   void *buffer, size_t length,
     303             :                                   int autodetect, void (*freefnc) (void *));
     304             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_sexp_sscan (gcry_sexp_t *retsexp, size_t *erroff,
     305             :                               const char *buffer, size_t length);
     306             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_sexp_build (gcry_sexp_t *retsexp, size_t *erroff,
     307             :                                  const char *format, ...);
     308             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_sexp_build_array (gcry_sexp_t *retsexp, size_t *erroff,
     309             :                                        const char *format, void **arg_list);
     310             : void _gcry_sexp_release (gcry_sexp_t sexp);
     311             : size_t _gcry_sexp_canon_len (const unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
     312             :                             size_t *erroff, gcry_err_code_t *errcode);
     313             : size_t _gcry_sexp_sprint (gcry_sexp_t sexp, int mode, void *buffer,
     314             :                           size_t maxlength);
     315             : void _gcry_sexp_dump (const gcry_sexp_t a);
     316             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_cons (const gcry_sexp_t a, const gcry_sexp_t b);
     317             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_alist (const gcry_sexp_t *array);
     318             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_vlist (const gcry_sexp_t a, ...);
     319             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_append (const gcry_sexp_t a, const gcry_sexp_t n);
     320             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_prepend (const gcry_sexp_t a, const gcry_sexp_t n);
     321             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_find_token (gcry_sexp_t list,
     322             :                                    const char *tok, size_t toklen);
     323             : int _gcry_sexp_length (const gcry_sexp_t list);
     324             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_nth (const gcry_sexp_t list, int number);
     325             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_car (const gcry_sexp_t list);
     326             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_cdr (const gcry_sexp_t list);
     327             : gcry_sexp_t _gcry_sexp_cadr (const gcry_sexp_t list);
     328             : const char *_gcry_sexp_nth_data (const gcry_sexp_t list, int number,
     329             :                                  size_t *datalen);
     330             : void *_gcry_sexp_nth_buffer (const gcry_sexp_t list, int number,
     331             :                              size_t *rlength);
     332             : char *_gcry_sexp_nth_string (gcry_sexp_t list, int number);
     333             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_sexp_nth_mpi (gcry_sexp_t list, int number, int mpifmt);
     334             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_sexp_extract_param (gcry_sexp_t sexp,
     335             :                                          const char *path,
     336             :                                          const char *list,
     337             :                                          ...) _GCRY_GCC_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
     338             : 
     339             : #define sexp_new(a, b, c, d)         _gcry_sexp_new ((a), (b), (c), (d))
     340             : #define sexp_create(a, b, c, d, e)   _gcry_sexp_create ((a), (b), (c), (d), (e))
     341             : #define sexp_sscan(a, b, c, d)       _gcry_sexp_sscan ((a), (b), (c), (d))
     342             : #define sexp_build                   _gcry_sexp_build
     343             : #define sexp_build_array(a, b, c, d) _gcry_sexp_build_array ((a), (b), (c), (d))
     344             : #define sexp_release(a)              _gcry_sexp_release ((a))
     345             : #define sexp_canon_len(a, b, c, d)   _gcry_sexp_canon_len ((a), (b), (c), (d))
     346             : #define sexp_sprint(a, b, c, d)      _gcry_sexp_sprint ((a), (b), (c), (d))
     347             : #define sexp_dump(a)                 _gcry_sexp_dump ((a))
     348             : #define sexp_cons(a, b)              _gcry_sexp_cons ((a), (b))
     349             : #define sexp_alist(a)                _gcry_sexp_alist ((a))
     350             : #define sexp_vlist                   _gcry_sexp_vlist
     351             : #define sexp_append(a, b)            _gcry_sexp_append ((a), (b))
     352             : #define sexp_prepend(a, b)           _gcry_sexp_prepend ((a), (b))
     353             : #define sexp_find_token(a, b, c)     _gcry_sexp_find_token ((a), (b), (c))
     354             : #define sexp_length(a)               _gcry_sexp_length ((a))
     355             : #define sexp_nth(a, b)               _gcry_sexp_nth ((a), (b))
     356             : #define sexp_car(a)                  _gcry_sexp_car ((a))
     357             : #define sexp_cdr(a)                  _gcry_sexp_cdr ((a))
     358             : #define sexp_cadr(a)                 _gcry_sexp_cadr ((a))
     359             : #define sexp_nth_data(a, b, c)       _gcry_sexp_nth_data ((a), (b), (c))
     360             : #define sexp_nth_buffer(a, b, c)     _gcry_sexp_nth_buffer ((a), (b), (c))
     361             : #define sexp_nth_string(a, b)        _gcry_sexp_nth_string ((a), (b))
     362             : #define sexp_nth_mpi(a, b, c)        _gcry_sexp_nth_mpi ((a), (b), (c))
     363             : #define sexp_extract_param           _gcry_sexp_extract_param
     364             : 
     365             : 
     366             : 
     367             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_new (unsigned int nbits);
     368             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_snew (unsigned int nbits);
     369             : void _gcry_mpi_release (gcry_mpi_t a);
     370             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_copy (const gcry_mpi_t a);
     371             : void _gcry_mpi_snatch (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u);
     372             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_set (gcry_mpi_t w, const gcry_mpi_t u);
     373             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_set_ui (gcry_mpi_t w, unsigned long u);
     374             : gcry_err_code_t _gcry_mpi_get_ui (gcry_mpi_t w, ulong *u);
     375             : void _gcry_mpi_swap (gcry_mpi_t a, gcry_mpi_t b);
     376             : int _gcry_mpi_is_neg (gcry_mpi_t a);
     377             : void _gcry_mpi_neg (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u);
     378             : void _gcry_mpi_abs (gcry_mpi_t w);
     379             : int _gcry_mpi_cmp (const gcry_mpi_t u, const gcry_mpi_t v);
     380             : int _gcry_mpi_cmp_ui (const gcry_mpi_t u, unsigned long v);
     381             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mpi_scan (gcry_mpi_t *ret_mpi, enum gcry_mpi_format format,
     382             :                               const void *buffer, size_t buflen,
     383             :                               size_t *nscanned);
     384             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mpi_print (enum gcry_mpi_format format,
     385             :                                unsigned char *buffer, size_t buflen,
     386             :                                size_t *nwritten,
     387             :                                const gcry_mpi_t a);
     388             : gpg_err_code_t _gcry_mpi_aprint (enum gcry_mpi_format format,
     389             :                                 unsigned char **buffer, size_t *nwritten,
     390             :                                 const gcry_mpi_t a);
     391             : void _gcry_mpi_dump (const gcry_mpi_t a);
     392             : void _gcry_mpi_add (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, gcry_mpi_t v);
     393             : void _gcry_mpi_add_ui (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, unsigned long v);
     394             : void _gcry_mpi_addm (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, gcry_mpi_t v, gcry_mpi_t m);
     395             : void _gcry_mpi_sub (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, gcry_mpi_t v);
     396             : void _gcry_mpi_sub_ui (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, unsigned long v );
     397             : void _gcry_mpi_subm (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, gcry_mpi_t v, gcry_mpi_t m);
     398             : void _gcry_mpi_mul (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, gcry_mpi_t v);
     399             : void _gcry_mpi_mul_ui (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, unsigned long v );
     400             : void _gcry_mpi_mulm (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, gcry_mpi_t v, gcry_mpi_t m);
     401             : void _gcry_mpi_mul_2exp (gcry_mpi_t w, gcry_mpi_t u, unsigned long cnt);
     402             : void _gcry_mpi_div (gcry_mpi_t q, gcry_mpi_t r,
     403             :                    gcry_mpi_t dividend, gcry_mpi_t divisor, int round);
     404             : void _gcry_mpi_mod (gcry_mpi_t r, gcry_mpi_t dividend, gcry_mpi_t divisor);
     405             : void _gcry_mpi_powm (gcry_mpi_t w,
     406             :                     const gcry_mpi_t b, const gcry_mpi_t e,
     407             :                     const gcry_mpi_t m);
     408             : int _gcry_mpi_gcd (gcry_mpi_t g, gcry_mpi_t a, gcry_mpi_t b);
     409             : int _gcry_mpi_invm (gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t a, gcry_mpi_t m);
     410             : gcry_mpi_point_t _gcry_mpi_point_new (unsigned int nbits);
     411             : void _gcry_mpi_point_release (gcry_mpi_point_t point);
     412             : void _gcry_mpi_point_get (gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t y, gcry_mpi_t z,
     413             :                          gcry_mpi_point_t point);
     414             : void _gcry_mpi_point_snatch_get (gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t y, gcry_mpi_t z,
     415             :                                 gcry_mpi_point_t point);
     416             : gcry_mpi_point_t _gcry_mpi_point_set (gcry_mpi_point_t point,
     417             :                                      gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t y, gcry_mpi_t z);
     418             : gcry_mpi_point_t _gcry_mpi_point_snatch_set (gcry_mpi_point_t point,
     419             :                                             gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t y,
     420             :                                             gcry_mpi_t z);
     421             : 
     422             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_ec_get_mpi (const char *name, gcry_ctx_t ctx, int copy);
     423             : gcry_mpi_point_t _gcry_mpi_ec_get_point (const char *name,
     424             :                                         gcry_ctx_t ctx, int copy);
     425             : int _gcry_mpi_ec_get_affine (gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t y, gcry_mpi_point_t point,
     426             :                              mpi_ec_t ctx);
     427             : void _gcry_mpi_ec_dup (gcry_mpi_point_t w, gcry_mpi_point_t u, gcry_ctx_t ctx);
     428             : void _gcry_mpi_ec_add (gcry_mpi_point_t w,
     429             :                        gcry_mpi_point_t u, gcry_mpi_point_t v, mpi_ec_t ctx);
     430             : void _gcry_mpi_ec_sub (gcry_mpi_point_t w,
     431             :                        gcry_mpi_point_t u, gcry_mpi_point_t v, mpi_ec_t ctx);
     432             : void _gcry_mpi_ec_mul (gcry_mpi_point_t w, gcry_mpi_t n, gcry_mpi_point_t u,
     433             :                        mpi_ec_t ctx);
     434             : int _gcry_mpi_ec_curve_point (gcry_mpi_point_t w, mpi_ec_t ctx);
     435             : unsigned int _gcry_mpi_get_nbits (gcry_mpi_t a);
     436             : int _gcry_mpi_test_bit (gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n);
     437             : void _gcry_mpi_set_bit (gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n);
     438             : void _gcry_mpi_clear_bit (gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n);
     439             : void _gcry_mpi_set_highbit (gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n);
     440             : void _gcry_mpi_clear_highbit (gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n);
     441             : void _gcry_mpi_rshift (gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n);
     442             : void _gcry_mpi_lshift (gcry_mpi_t x, gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int n);
     443             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_set_opaque (gcry_mpi_t a, void *p, unsigned int nbits);
     444             : gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_set_opaque_copy (gcry_mpi_t a,
     445             :                                      const void *p, unsigned int nbits);
     446             : void *_gcry_mpi_get_opaque (gcry_mpi_t a, unsigned int *nbits);
     447             : void _gcry_mpi_set_flag (gcry_mpi_t a, enum gcry_mpi_flag flag);
     448             : void _gcry_mpi_clear_flag (gcry_mpi_t a, enum gcry_mpi_flag flag);
     449             : int _gcry_mpi_get_flag (gcry_mpi_t a, enum gcry_mpi_flag flag);
     450             : 
     451             : 
     452             : /* Private function - do not use.  */
     453             : /* gcry_mpi_t _gcry_mpi_get_const (int no); */
     454             : 
     455             : /* We need our internal versions of the macros.  */
     456             : #ifndef GCRYPT_NO_MPI_MACROS
     457             : # error GCRYPT_NO_MPI_MACROS is not defined
     458             : #endif
     459             : 
     460             : #define mpi_new(n)             _gcry_mpi_new ((n))
     461             : #define mpi_secure_new( n )    _gcry_mpi_snew ((n))
     462             : #define mpi_snew(n)            _gcry_mpi_snew ((n))
     463             : 
     464             : #define mpi_release(a)        \
     465             :   do                          \
     466             :     {                         \
     467             :       _gcry_mpi_release ((a));\
     468             :       (a) = NULL;             \
     469             :     }                         \
     470             :   while (0)
     471             : 
     472             : #define mpi_snatch( w, u)      _gcry_mpi_snatch( (w), (u) )
     473             : #define mpi_set( w, u)         _gcry_mpi_set( (w), (u) )
     474             : #define mpi_set_ui( w, u)      _gcry_mpi_set_ui( (w), (u) )
     475             : #define mpi_get_ui(a,b)        _gcry_mpi_get_ui( (a), (b) )
     476             : #define mpi_swap(a,b)          _gcry_mpi_swap ((a),(b))
     477             : #define mpi_abs( w )           _gcry_mpi_abs( (w) )
     478             : #define mpi_neg( w, u)         _gcry_mpi_neg( (w), (u) )
     479             : #define mpi_cmp( u, v )        _gcry_mpi_cmp( (u), (v) )
     480             : #define mpi_cmp_ui( u, v )     _gcry_mpi_cmp_ui( (u), (v) )
     481             : #define mpi_is_neg( a )        _gcry_mpi_is_neg ((a))
     482             : 
     483             : #define mpi_add_ui(w,u,v)      _gcry_mpi_add_ui((w),(u),(v))
     484             : #define mpi_add(w,u,v)         _gcry_mpi_add ((w),(u),(v))
     485             : #define mpi_addm(w,u,v,m)      _gcry_mpi_addm ((w),(u),(v),(m))
     486             : #define mpi_sub_ui(w,u,v)      _gcry_mpi_sub_ui ((w),(u),(v))
     487             : #define mpi_sub(w,u,v)         _gcry_mpi_sub ((w),(u),(v))
     488             : #define mpi_subm(w,u,v,m)      _gcry_mpi_subm ((w),(u),(v),(m))
     489             : #define mpi_mul_ui(w,u,v)      _gcry_mpi_mul_ui ((w),(u),(v))
     490             : #define mpi_mul_2exp(w,u,v)    _gcry_mpi_mul_2exp ((w),(u),(v))
     491             : #define mpi_mul(w,u,v)         _gcry_mpi_mul ((w),(u),(v))
     492             : #define mpi_mulm(w,u,v,m)      _gcry_mpi_mulm ((w),(u),(v),(m))
     493             : #define mpi_powm(w,b,e,m)      _gcry_mpi_powm ( (w), (b), (e), (m) )
     494             : #define mpi_tdiv(q,r,a,m)      _gcry_mpi_div ( (q), (r), (a), (m), 0)
     495             : #define mpi_fdiv(q,r,a,m)      _gcry_mpi_div ( (q), (r), (a), (m), -1)
     496             : #define mpi_mod(r,a,m)         _gcry_mpi_mod ((r), (a), (m))
     497             : #define mpi_gcd(g,a,b)         _gcry_mpi_gcd ( (g), (a), (b) )
     498             : #define mpi_invm(g,a,b)        _gcry_mpi_invm ( (g), (a), (b) )
     499             : 
     500             : #define mpi_point_new(n)       _gcry_mpi_point_new((n))
     501             : 
     502             : #define mpi_point_release(p)                     \
     503             :   do                                             \
     504             :     {                                            \
     505             :       _gcry_mpi_point_release ((p));             \
     506             :       (p) = NULL;                                \
     507             :     }                                            \
     508             :   while (0)
     509             : 
     510             : #define mpi_point_get(x,y,z,p)        _gcry_mpi_point_get((x),(y),(z),(p))
     511             : #define mpi_point_snatch_get(x,y,z,p) _gcry_mpi_point_snatch_get((x),(y), \
     512             :                                                                  (z),(p))
     513             : #define mpi_point_set(p,x,y,z)        _gcry_mpi_point_set((p),(x),(y),(z))
     514             : #define mpi_point_snatch_set(p,x,y,z) _gcry_mpi_point_snatch_set((p),(x), \
     515             :                                                                  (y),(z))
     516             : 
     517             : #define mpi_get_nbits(a)       _gcry_mpi_get_nbits ((a))
     518             : #define mpi_test_bit(a,b)      _gcry_mpi_test_bit ((a),(b))
     519             : #define mpi_set_bit(a,b)       _gcry_mpi_set_bit ((a),(b))
     520             : #define mpi_set_highbit(a,b)   _gcry_mpi_set_highbit ((a),(b))
     521             : #define mpi_clear_bit(a,b)     _gcry_mpi_clear_bit ((a),(b))
     522             : #define mpi_clear_highbit(a,b) _gcry_mpi_clear_highbit ((a),(b))
     523             : #define mpi_rshift(a,b,c)      _gcry_mpi_rshift ((a),(b),(c))
     524             : #define mpi_lshift(a,b,c)      _gcry_mpi_lshift ((a),(b),(c))
     525             : 
     526             : #define mpi_set_opaque(a,b,c)  _gcry_mpi_set_opaque ((a), (b), (c))
     527             : #define mpi_get_opaque(a,b)    _gcry_mpi_get_opaque ((a), (b))
     528             : #define mpi_set_flag(a,f)      _gcry_mpi_set_flag ((a), (f))
     529             : #define mpi_set_flag(a,f)      _gcry_mpi_set_flag ((a), (f))
     530             : #define mpi_clear_flag(a,f)    _gcry_mpi_clear_flag ((a), (f))
     531             : #define mpi_get_flag(a,f)      _gcry_mpi_get_flag ((a), (f))
     532             : 
     533             : 
     534             : #endif /*GCRY_GCRYPT_INT_H*/

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