LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - debug.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 6 6 100.0 %
Date: 2016-09-12 13:07:23 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* debug.h - interface to debugging functions
       2             :    Copyright (C) 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007 g10 Code GmbH
       3             : 
       4             :    This file is part of GPGME.
       5             : 
       6             :    GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       7             :    under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
       8             :    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
       9             :    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
      10             : 
      11             :    GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
      12             :    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      14             :    Lesser General Public License for more details.
      15             : 
      16             :    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
      17             :    License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
      18             :    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
      19             :    02111-1307, USA.  */
      20             : 
      21             : #ifndef DEBUG_H
      22             : #define DEBUG_H
      23             : 
      24             : #include <string.h>
      25             : #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H
      26             : #include <stdint.h>
      27             : #endif
      28             : 
      29             : #include "gpgme.h"  /* Required for gpgme_error stuff.  */
      30             : 
      31             : 
      32             : /* Indirect stringification, requires __STDC__ to work.  */
      33             : #define STRINGIFY(v) #v
      34             : #define XSTRINGIFY(v) STRINGIFY(v)
      35             : 
      36             : 
      37             : /* The debug levels.  */
      38             : 
      39             : #define DEBUG_INIT      1
      40             : #define DEBUG_GLOBAL    2
      41             : #define DEBUG_CTX       3
      42             : #define DEBUG_ENGINE    4
      43             : #define DEBUG_DATA      5
      44             : #define DEBUG_ASSUAN    6
      45             : #define DEBUG_SYSIO     7
      46             : 
      47             : 
      48             : /* Remove path components from filenames (i.e. __FILE__) for cleaner
      49             :    logs. */
      50             : static inline const char *_gpgme_debug_srcname (const char *file)
      51             :                                                 GPGME_GCC_A_PURE;
      52             : 
      53             : static inline const char *
      54           3 : _gpgme_debug_srcname (const char *file)
      55             : {
      56           3 :   const char *s = strrchr (file, '/');
      57           3 :   return s? s+1:file;
      58             : }
      59             : 
      60             : /* Initialization helper function; see debug.c.  */
      61             : int _gpgme_debug_set_debug_envvar (const char *value);
      62             : 
      63             : /* Called early to initialize the logging.  */
      64             : void _gpgme_debug_subsystem_init (void);
      65             : 
      66             : /* Log the formatted string FORMAT at debug level LEVEL or higher.  */
      67             : int  _gpgme_debug (int level, const char *format, ...);
      68             : 
      69             : /* Start a new debug line in *LINE, logged at level LEVEL or higher,
      70             :    and starting with the formatted string FORMAT.  */
      71             : void _gpgme_debug_begin (void **helper, int level, const char *format, ...);
      72             : 
      73             : /* Add the formatted string FORMAT to the debug line *LINE.  */
      74             : void _gpgme_debug_add (void **helper, const char *format, ...);
      75             : 
      76             : /* Finish construction of *LINE and send it to the debug output
      77             :    stream.  */
      78             : void _gpgme_debug_end (void **helper);
      79             : 
      80             : void _gpgme_debug_buffer (int lvl, const char *const fmt,
      81             :                           const char *const func, const char *const buffer,
      82             :                           size_t len);
      83             : 
      84             : void _gpgme_debug_frame_begin (void);
      85             : int  _gpgme_debug_frame_end (void);
      86             : 
      87             : static inline gpgme_error_t
      88           3 : _gpgme_trace_gpgme_error (gpgme_error_t err, const char *file, int line)
      89             : {
      90           3 :   _gpgme_debug (DEBUG_ENGINE, "%s:%d: returning error: %s\n",
      91             :                 _gpgme_debug_srcname (file), line, gpgme_strerror (err));
      92           3 :   return err;
      93             : }
      94             : 
      95             : 
      96             : /* Trace support.  */
      97             : 
      98             : /* FIXME: For now.  */
      99             : #define _gpgme_debug_trace() 1
     100             : 
     101             : #define _TRACE(lvl, name, tag)                                  \
     102             :   int _gpgme_trace_level = lvl;                                 \
     103             :   const char *const _gpgme_trace_func = name;                   \
     104             :   const char *const _gpgme_trace_tagname = STRINGIFY (tag);     \
     105             :   void *_gpgme_trace_tag = (void *) (uintptr_t) tag; \
     106             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_begin ()
     107             : 
     108             : #define TRACE_BEG(lvl, name, tag)                          \
     109             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                 \
     110             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p\n", \
     111             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag)
     112             : #define TRACE_BEG0(lvl, name, tag, fmt)                                 \
     113             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                              \
     114             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",  \
     115             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag)
     116             : #define TRACE_BEG1(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1)                           \
     117             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                              \
     118             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",  \
     119             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     120             :                 arg1)
     121             : #define TRACE_BEG2(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2)                 \
     122             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                          \
     123             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     124             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     125             :                 arg1, arg2)
     126             : #define TRACE_BEG3(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)           \
     127             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                          \
     128             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     129             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     130             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3)
     131             : #define TRACE_BEG4(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)     \
     132             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                          \
     133             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     134             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     135             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
     136             : #define TRACE_BEG5(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) \
     137             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                          \
     138             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     139             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     140             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
     141             : #define TRACE_BEG7(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,     \
     142             :                    arg5, arg6, arg7)                                \
     143             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                          \
     144             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     145             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     146             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7)
     147             : #define TRACE_BEG8(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,     \
     148             :                    arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)                          \
     149             :   _TRACE (lvl, name, tag);                                          \
     150             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: enter: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     151             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     152             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8)
     153             : 
     154             : #define TRACE(lvl, name, tag)                                           \
     155             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_begin (),                                          \
     156             :   _gpgme_debug (lvl, "%s: call: %s=%p\n",                             \
     157             :                 name, STRINGIFY (tag), (void *) (uintptr_t) tag),       \
     158             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     159             : #define TRACE0(lvl, name, tag, fmt)                                     \
     160             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_begin (),                                          \
     161             :   _gpgme_debug (lvl, "%s: call: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",                  \
     162             :                 name, STRINGIFY (tag), (void *) (uintptr_t) tag),       \
     163             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     164             : #define TRACE1(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1)                              \
     165             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_begin (),                                          \
     166             :   _gpgme_debug (lvl, "%s: call: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",                 \
     167             :                 name, STRINGIFY (tag), (void *) (uintptr_t) tag, arg1), \
     168             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     169             : #define TRACE2(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2)                        \
     170             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_begin (),                                          \
     171             :   _gpgme_debug (lvl, "%s: call: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",                 \
     172             :                 name, STRINGIFY (tag), (void *) (uintptr_t) tag, arg1, \
     173             :                 arg2), _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     174             : #define TRACE3(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)                  \
     175             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_begin (),                                          \
     176             :   _gpgme_debug (lvl, "%s: call: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",                 \
     177             :                 name, STRINGIFY (tag), (void *) (uintptr_t) tag, arg1, \
     178             :                 arg2, arg3), _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     179             : #define TRACE6(lvl, name, tag, fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) \
     180             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_begin (),                                          \
     181             :   _gpgme_debug (lvl, "%s: call: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",                  \
     182             :                 name, STRINGIFY (tag), (void *) (uintptr_t) tag, arg1, \
     183             :                 arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6),                         \
     184             :   _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     185             : 
     186             : #define TRACE_ERR(err)                                                  \
     187             :   err == 0 ? (TRACE_SUC ()) :                                           \
     188             :     (_gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s:%d: error: %s <%s>\n",       \
     189             :                    _gpgme_trace_func, __LINE__,  gpgme_strerror (err),  \
     190             :                    gpgme_strsource (err)), _gpgme_debug_frame_end (), (err))
     191             : /* The cast to void suppresses GCC warnings.  */
     192             : #define TRACE_SYSRES(res)                                               \
     193             :   res >= 0 ? ((void) (TRACE_SUC1 ("result=%i", res)), (res)) :             \
     194             :     (_gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: error: %s\n",     \
     195             :                    _gpgme_trace_func, strerror (errno)), _gpgme_debug_frame_end (), (res))
     196             : #define TRACE_SYSERR(res)                                               \
     197             :   res == 0 ? ((void) (TRACE_SUC1 ("result=%i", res)), (res)) :                \
     198             :     (_gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: error: %s\n",             \
     199             :                    _gpgme_trace_func, strerror (res)),                  \
     200             :      _gpgme_debug_frame_end (), (res))
     201             : 
     202             : #define TRACE_SUC()                                              \
     203             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: leave\n",       \
     204             :                 _gpgme_trace_func), _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     205             : #define TRACE_SUC0(fmt)                                                 \
     206             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: leave: " fmt "\n", \
     207             :                 _gpgme_trace_func), _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     208             : #define TRACE_SUC1(fmt, arg1)                                           \
     209             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: leave: " fmt "\n", \
     210             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, arg1), _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     211             : #define TRACE_SUC2(fmt, arg1, arg2)                                     \
     212             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: leave: " fmt "\n", \
     213             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, arg1, arg2), _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     214             : #define TRACE_SUC5(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)                   \
     215             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: leave: " fmt "\n", \
     216             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5), \
     217             :     _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     218             : #define TRACE_SUC6(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)     \
     219             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: leave: " fmt "\n", \
     220             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6), \
     221             :     _gpgme_debug_frame_end ()
     222             : 
     223             : #define TRACE_LOG(fmt)                                                  \
     224             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: check: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",  \
     225             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag)
     226             : #define TRACE_LOG1(fmt, arg1)                                           \
     227             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: check: %s=%p, " fmt "\n",  \
     228             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     229             :                 arg1)
     230             : #define TRACE_LOG2(fmt, arg1, arg2)                                 \
     231             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: check: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     232             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     233             :                 arg1, arg2)
     234             : #define TRACE_LOG3(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3)                           \
     235             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: check: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     236             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     237             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3)
     238             : #define TRACE_LOG4(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                     \
     239             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: check: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     240             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     241             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
     242             : #define TRACE_LOG5(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)               \
     243             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: check: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     244             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     245             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
     246             : #define TRACE_LOG6(fmt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)         \
     247             :   _gpgme_debug (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: check: %s=%p, " fmt "\n", \
     248             :                 _gpgme_trace_func, _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag, \
     249             :                 arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)
     250             : 
     251             : #define TRACE_LOGBUF(buf, len)                                  \
     252             :   _gpgme_debug_buffer (_gpgme_trace_level, "%s: check: %s",   \
     253             :                        _gpgme_trace_func, buf, len)
     254             : 
     255             : #define TRACE_SEQ(hlp,fmt)                                              \
     256             :   _gpgme_debug_begin (&(hlp), _gpgme_trace_level,                   \
     257             :                       "%s: check: %s=%p, " fmt, _gpgme_trace_func,    \
     258             :                       _gpgme_trace_tagname, _gpgme_trace_tag)
     259             : #define TRACE_ADD0(hlp,fmt) \
     260             :   _gpgme_debug_add (&(hlp), fmt)
     261             : #define TRACE_ADD1(hlp,fmt,a) \
     262             :   _gpgme_debug_add (&(hlp), fmt, (a))
     263             : #define TRACE_ADD2(hlp,fmt,a,b) \
     264             :   _gpgme_debug_add (&(hlp), fmt, (a), (b))
     265             : #define TRACE_ADD3(hlp,fmt,a,b,c) \
     266             :   _gpgme_debug_add (&(hlp), fmt, (a), (b), (c))
     267             : #define TRACE_END(hlp,fmt) \
     268             :   _gpgme_debug_add (&(hlp), fmt); \
     269             :   _gpgme_debug_end (&(hlp))
     270             : #define TRACE_ENABLED(hlp) (!!(hlp))
     271             : 
     272             : /* And finally a simple macro to trace the location of an error code.
     273             :    This macro is independent of the other trace macros and may be used
     274             :    without any preconditions.  */
     275             : #define trace_gpg_error(e) \
     276             :   _gpgme_trace_gpgme_error (gpg_error (e), __FILE__, __LINE__)
     277             : 
     278             : 
     279             : #endif  /* DEBUG_H */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.11