DISCLAIMER: This is an experimental repository for Maemo 5. Use without any warranty.

Created by: Intevation GmbH
Last updated: 2011-02-26

for questions please ask on kde-mobile@kde.org
Additional instructions can be found at http://userbase.kde.org/Kontact_Touch

This apt repository contains three different sections:
testing, experimental and snapshots

##### testing ######

testing contains selected versions of Kontact Mobile for maemo fremantle. It is updated less frequently.
To install testing section use http://files.kolab.org/local/maemo/install/kdepim-testing.install file
or add http://files.kolab.org/local/maemo/ fremantle testing extras to your /etc/apt/sources.list file

##### experimental #####

experimental contains weekly builds of Kontact Mobile packages for maemo fremantle that should be installable and runable on the device.
To install experimental section use http://files.kolab.org/local/maemo/install/kdepim-experimental.install file
or add http://files.kolab.org/local/maemo/ fremantle experimental extras to your /etc/apt/sources.list file

##### snapshots #####

snapshots contains highly experimental versions of Kontact Touch for maemo fremantle which are build directly from svn trunk and git master. These packages can be broken and are intended for developers.
To install snapshots section use http://files.kolab.org/local/maemo/install/kdepim-snapshots.install file
or add http://files.kolab.org/local/maemo/ fremantle snapshots extras gnupg-unstable to your /etc/apt/sources.list file

###### apt key #######

To verify the downloaded packages in this apt repository you should import the Intevation File Distribution Key into apt:

  gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys EC70B1B8
  gpg --export EC70B1B8 | apt-key add -
 wget -O - https://ssl.intevation.de/Intevation-Distribution-Key.asc | apt-key add -
If wget fails with ERROR: Certificate verification error for ssl.intevation.de you should install the Intevation Root Certificate from https://ssl.intevation.de/ or add
to the wget command.

The gpg fingerprint of the Intevation File Distribution Key is 61AC 3F5E E4BE 593C 13D6 8B1E 7CBD 620B EC70 B1B8

###### Installation via apt-get #######

First you have to activate the extras-devel respository of maemo.org as root via terminal on the device. To get root access on the device please follow the instructions from http://wiki.maemo.org/Root_access. Afterwards you are able to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file as root and add the following lines:

deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/ fremantle free non-free
deb-src http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/ fremantle free

(example for repository with testing sections)
deb http://files.kolab.org/local/maemo fremantle testing extras
deb-src http://files.kolab.org/local/maemo fremantle testing extras 
now it is necessary to add the maemo repository public key as a trusted key for apt by running
wget http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/dists/fremantle/fremantle-extras-pubkey.asc
apt-key add fremantle-extras-pubkey.asc
Afterwards executing the commands
apt-get update
apt-get install kdepim-mobile
should install all necessary packages. To run a mobile application you could try e.g.
as the normal user (NOT root).