Kolab Server 2.2 Release Notes ============================== (Version 20081212, Kolab Server 2.2.1-beta1) For upgrading and installation instructions, please refer to the 1st.README file in the package directory. Differences between Kolab 2.1 and 2.2: - Upgrade of central Kolab server components The Apache server shipped with the Kolab server has been upgraded to Apache-2.2.*. At the same time the system was switched to PHP5. Postfix got upgraded to 2.4.* which removes the need for special Kolab patches which were integrated upstream. The Cyrus IMAP server was updated to 2.3.* also removing the need for some, though not all, Kolab specific patches. - Inclusion of the web based Horde Groupware client The Kolab server now provides a web client that supports all the groupware features known from Outlook and Kontact. Thus users are less dependent on their local client and can access their groupware data from anywhere in the world provided they have a standard browser available. - Structural improvements Several components of the Kolab server got restructured so that porting the Kolab server to distributions other than OpenPKG got easier. This also improves the development model in general. - Improvements, bugfixes and upgraded software components The 2.2 release received many improvements and bugfixes for issues found in earlier versions. Additionally all software components have been upgraded to new upstream versions. The specifics are described below. Changes between 2.2.0 and 2.2.1-beta-1 - apache-2.2.10-20081111 New upstream version, fixes various security issues. - apache-php-5.2.8-20081209_kolab New upstream version, fixes various security issues. Added sqlite2 support for SyncML support in kolab-webclient. - bzip2-1.0.5-20080318 New upstream version, fixes CVE-2008-1372 (denial of service) - clamav-0.94.2-20081212 New upstream version, fixes various security issues. kolab/issue765 (openpkg "junk" warnings) - gawk-3.1.6-20080101 New package, build (not runtime) dependency of sqlite. - gmp-4.2.2-20080101_kolab kolab/issue2928 (gmp-4.2.2-20080101 does not compile on Debian lenny/amd64) - Horde_iCalendar-0.1.0-20081209 kolab/issue3284 (Webclient or resmgr might send invitations that Outlook 2003 does not understand (unquoted CN with Umlauts)) - Kolab_Filter-0.1.3-20081212 A new package replacing kolab-filter (from http://pear.horde.org/index.php?package=Kolab_Filter) Added LDA (dovecot) backend. kolab/issue839 (problem when kolabHomeServer is missing) kolab/issue3074 (Freebusy trigger fails for other users's calenders.) kolab/issue3208 (Free/Busy list is always empty) kolab/issue3256 (resmgr responses should reflect server revision in PRODID) kolab/issue3260 (kolabfilter does not allow empty sender (and therefore MAILER-DAEMON)) kolab/issue3289 (resmgr dies when it should accept, but has not Calender folder access) - only partial fix - Kolab_Format-1.0.0-20081212 New package (from http://pear.horde.org/index.php?package=Kolab_Format) - Kolab_FreeBusy-0.1.2-20081212 A new package replacing kolab-freebusy (from http://pear.horde.org/index.php?package=Kolab_FreeBusy) Fixed handling of extended free/busy information. Fixed identification of the corresponding free/busy server. kolab/issue3208 (Free/Busy list is always empty) kolab/issue3256 (resmgr responses should reflect server revision in PRODID) - Kolab_Server- New package (from http://pear.horde.org/index.php?package=Kolab_Server) - Kolab_Storage-0.3.0-20081205 New package (from http://pear.horde.org/index.php?package=Kolab_Storage) - kolabd-2.2.1-20081212 Added configuration option in resmgr.conf for local delivery backend. (Makes it possible to activate the new LDA backend) Activated sqlite support in PHP. Updated the configuration for the newer Kolab_Filter package. kolab/issue765 (openpkg "junk" warnings) kolab/issue936 (kolabquotawarn: system cron used, and firing when server stopped) kolab/issue1310 (kolabquotawarn runs via cron before server was bootstrapped) kolab/issue1755 (syncrepl support (for OpenLDAP >=2.4.6)) kolab/issue2351 (horde doesn't present attachment stuff while compose a message) kolab/issue2440 (Installing binary packages of 2.2 fails without Horde) kolab/issue2446 (Make the used syslog facility configureable (kolabd, kolabconf)) kolab/issue2550 (kolabconf should make some others postfix maps) kolab/issue2910 (obsolete definition of schemacheck in slapd.conf) kolab/issue2911 (Change comments around the idletimeout definiton in the file templates/slapd.conf.template.in) kolab/issue2961 (added smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes for simpler authorization) kolab/issue2994 (Duplicated kolab.conf files in cvs, one should be removed) kolab/issue3005 (Remove specific TLSCertificate code by using new bootstrap_config conditional in slapd.conf.template) kolab/issue3006 (Surround the horde schema include in slapd.conf.template with @@@ conditionals) Remark: this actually added only the code that allows to use @@@if exists(=2.4.6)) kolab/issue2981 (kolab_bootstrap: re-use kolabconf code to read the config file) kolab/issue3006 (Surround the horde schema include in slapd.conf.template with @@@ conditionals) Remark: this actually added only the code that allows to use @@@if exists( for forms in webadmin) kolab/issue1615 (Use