Kolab Server 2.2-beta1 ======================= Diese Entwicklungsversion des Kolab-Servers demonstriert die Integration der Kolab-Komponenten in eine aktuelle Systemumgebung. Sie basiert auf OpenPKG-CURRENT und Kolab-CVS vom 8. Juni 2007. Ein produktiver Einsatz wird nicht empfohlen. Installation ------------ Die Pakete in den Verzeichnissen "sources" und "ix86-debian4.0" lassen sich mit dem enthaltenen "install-kolab.sh"-Skript installieren. Installation der Quellcodepakete (als root): # cd sources # ./install-kolab.sh openpkg-20070606-20070606.src.sh Installation der ix86-Binärpakete für Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (etch): # cd ix86-debian4.0 # ./install-kolab.sh openpkg-20070606-20070606.ix86-debian4.0-kolab.sh Das aktuelle Verzeichnis muss schreibbar sein, ggf. kann man das Skript mit vollständigen Pfaden aufzufen, z.B. auf einer CD-ROM: # /media/cdrom/server/sources/install-kolab.sh \ /media/cdrom/server/sources/openpkg-20070606-20070606.src.sh oder # /media/cdrom/server/ix86-debian4.0/install-kolab.sh \ /media/cdrom/server/ix86-debian4.0/openpkg-*.sh Konfiguration ------------- Nach der Installation sollte die initiale Konfiguration des Servers durchgeführt werden: # /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b Upgrades von früheren Kolab-Server-Versionen können entsprechend der mit dem Server 2.1.0 veröffentlichten Anleitung durchgeführt werden. Patches ------- Die Patches im Verzeichnis "patches" wurden verwendet, um diese Zusammenstellung zu erstellen. Für die Inbetriebnahme des Server müssen sie nicht weiter beachtet werden, da alles notwendige in den rpm-Dateien enthalten ist. Diese Patches werden in das zentrale Kolab-CVS-Repository eingespielt, sobald die Entwicklungszweige des Kolab-Servers 2.1 und 2.2 in getrennte Branches aufgeteilt werden. Bekannte Probleme ----------------- Es wurde nicht das aktuelle openldap-Paket aus OpenPKG-CURRENT verwendet, sondern das Paket aus Kolab-Server 2.1.0, da das aktuelle Paket einen Fehler aufweist, der den erfolgreich Ablauf von kolab_bootstrap verhindert. Ansonsten gelten derzeit noch die Hinweise aus "Known problems and workarounds" aus dem README des Kolab-Servers 2.1.0: Known problems and workarounds ------------------------------ - Your system (C library) has to support all languages you want to have available in the web admin interface and fbview. For most languages you have to use the non-UTF-8 and non-euro locales, i.e. de_DE, fr_FR, it_IT, nl_NL instead of e.g. de_DE@euro. For fbview some languages need a UTF-8 locale, e.g. ja_JP.UTF-8 for Japanese. See kolab/issue881 and kolab/issue1585 for details. - If login on https://yourserver.example.com/fbview and triggering free/busy regeneration does not work, try as user kolab: /kolab/bin/php -r 'imap_open("{localhost:143/notls}", "" ,"");' If it yields "Segmentation fault (core dumped)", then there probably is a conflict between a dynamically loaded libdb3 from your system and a statically linked libdb4 from the OpenpPKG php package. If it yields a "PHP Warning: ...", this part of the system works correctly. One reason for such a conflict could be the mere presence of /lib/libnss_db.so.*, which is installed on some distributions by default. On Debian systems it is contained in the package "libnss-db". If you really need this library, you could work around the loading of libdb3 by placing a symbolic link with the correct name in /kolab/lib, e.g.: ldd /lib/libnss_db.so.2 libnss_files.so.2 => /lib/tls/libnss_files.so.2 (0xb7f16000) ---> libdb3.so.3 => /usr/lib/libdb3.so.3 (0xb7e6b000) libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/libc.so.6 (0xb7d36000) /lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x80000000) ln -s /dev/null /kolab/lib/libdb3.so.3 See kolab/issue1607 (need to replace gdbm for pfbcache, because of license clash gdbm vs php) for details. - Under some circumstance the Kolab server may not create or delete users or update the configuration after changes have been made in the web interface. This happens most often immediately after the bootstrap. In that case restart the kolabd: /kolab/bin/openpkg rc kolabd restart If user accounts are still not created or deleted, you can try removing the file /kolab/var/kolab/mailbox-uidcache.db and restarting kolabd. See kolab/issue1068 (Mailboxes are not created until kolabd restart) and kolab/issue1098 (Changes in the service tab are not accepted after bootstrap) for details. - If modifying or deleting of address book entries doesn't work, restarting openldap can help, see kolab/issue854 for details. - There is a report that the manager can only see users in the primary domain, see kolab/issue1485. We can't reproduce this problem, please tell us if you can. - Calendar folders for group/resource accounts can't be created for domains which were added after bootstrap, i.e. via the web admin interface. See kolab/issue1313 for details. - When deleting domains via the web admin interface, the corresponding LDAP data and IMAP spool stay on the server and have to be deleted manually. See kolab/issue1571 and kolab/issue1576 for details.